Friday, November 20, 2009

sort panic but great hope

unitl now, i have lost my innocent and chasing my dreams and hold on my dear life... there is an extensively range of option available, it all depends on how strong your heart is. do you have a keen attitude towards the future and a vivid dream? roughly one year to study foundation in the univeristy of Newaslte, one of most important things i have learnt is keeping mantaining your passionation. where there is no way there is no hope. you cannot control what the furture will be, how good marks you have created. neverethless, you can change your attitude to study... spending heaps of time and bulk of money on your enjoyment is useless, do not make your mind scrambe into bad thing, the bad things i mean is select some of the suggestions your friends adviced, whether the decision is wrong or not, remember cannot copy your minds more than once, the decision you ever made once, going on your battle and never give up even if the blood used up.
i am shameful to tell my dear cheryl, i am no long studying together in the next year... a great troubles i met in the rest of my life.

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