Wednesday, November 25, 2009

what else can i say

standing on the top of mountain, waving my hands, i feel it difficult to keep myself calm down. the simply reason i can tell u is i make my effort to climb the Alyer Rock although it is illgeally for aborginals.
after all, i am so luck that i sucessfully climb the top without any help, the weather in top is extremely unperdictable, sometimes blowing strong wind,somtimes scarcely wind. climbing the Alyer Rock is pretty dangerous, it all depends on air condtion and your skill to climb. it is reportely by guides that it has been at least 43 tourist died on the way to the top. truth be told, once i wanna quit, only for few seconds, i change my mind, determinding to climb, because of a old couple seating beside me, they told me you are young enough to climb and hope you win, their little words give me confience and strength, i cannot quit until died...gradually i keep myself peacful and get started.

Friday, November 20, 2009

sort panic but great hope

unitl now, i have lost my innocent and chasing my dreams and hold on my dear life... there is an extensively range of option available, it all depends on how strong your heart is. do you have a keen attitude towards the future and a vivid dream? roughly one year to study foundation in the univeristy of Newaslte, one of most important things i have learnt is keeping mantaining your passionation. where there is no way there is no hope. you cannot control what the furture will be, how good marks you have created. neverethless, you can change your attitude to study... spending heaps of time and bulk of money on your enjoyment is useless, do not make your mind scrambe into bad thing, the bad things i mean is select some of the suggestions your friends adviced, whether the decision is wrong or not, remember cannot copy your minds more than once, the decision you ever made once, going on your battle and never give up even if the blood used up.
i am shameful to tell my dear cheryl, i am no long studying together in the next year... a great troubles i met in the rest of my life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

cheryl is a prefect girl, a only girl i care about

dont let anyone steal your dream, keep up your dreams no matt how hard you experienced. the only one thing you keep in your mind is put a great deal of enthusiastic into your every single things and finally it is believed to what you have done will make your dreams come true.
we start building relationship for more than two months, this is a celebrating day we shared the same dream, all of us are lighting up joyment on our face, a specail day we undergo tradegy and happiness, sorrow and frustated, a man inloved like me is pour all my heart into love world, no matter how hard time we stay in, i keep my faith in you. thats what i have ability in maintaining our relationship and never make it become unvivid. the first step as i learnt from my girlfriend unitl now is not looking backward and try to get rid of your last relationship. building a new relationship is extremely hard because none of them have common experience and cannot have solution to slove the problem which they didnt expect, they shaped different characteristic and a firious debate in managing the same things will be sparkled. the second factor making you relationship up and down is suppposed to be lack of good communication, a healthy to keep your seoul mate closely touch in your inner world is believed to face-to-face communication, expressing your idea to her and make sure what your said to pretty good. the last one cannot be ignored is respectul your girlfriend and let her what you are thinking about and what you are doing, after all, keeping relationship forever is not easy one for everyone, give your love bravely and tell her how deep you love her, that it is, no big deal, simply tell her i love you and do remember her birthday all the time.
i told myself cheryl is only girl i really deserve caring, never break promised you ever made, it is essential to make her trust you.

Monday, November 9, 2009

do what you are passionate about...

Do what you are passionate about, do what excites you right now.creat something azazing.Pour yourself energetically into a project and build something new. what you think you are created is turned out to be completely different from what emerges. but you will have fun doing it and something better might be revealed.
DO ACT, in a moment, giving yourself to the moment doesnt means being passive and just letting your life happen. it means acting, but doing what is the best at this moment, what you are excited and what needs to be done at the present.

Time fly by and I missed it

I found an old unreleased post in my space with only one single sentence written in it and so i am now using it like...people changed and you may not like them for who they have become. they may not be the same person as you once knew. but it is inevitable that they were changed as they have view to the new world. some says you cant get along because you just don't understand each other and yes, and you cannot hold the same prospective as everyone or anyone in fact. however, you can understand each other, that is what i wish for as friend change. acceptance for each individual as they are.
I have lost so many friends this year, people have changed and become someone i no longer knew and they saw me as someone you could never understand. people i never knew shared the same prospective that i hold have become such close friends to me and come to show that with acceptance,despite that harboring the different lifestyles, cultural and view on life a tonne of people can be friends just because they accept each other.
how time flies, I have almost finish my first year in the university of Newcastle, joys and tears are full of my face. i would not tell anyone and never share my story with others, the first day i live in the Newcastle, i was lying on the grass, seeing the shining star in a darkness night, considering what i have a great accomplishment in China. but now, i have nothing to do. i told myself i was still beautiful no matter what they said or no matter what they thought of me. everywhere as i went, the sun is still shining and the clouds will disappear.
Finally, i am briefly introduced me to u and the essay i have written above is reportedly my first blog and i will never put it to the rest. richard is such a person who will not allow any chance slip away between his fingers.